Monday, March 28, 2011


Smiling and laughing
With stars in their eyes
She trusts and looks up
He teases, adores
The pair so pretty
So innocent, so sure
The mirror reflects
A bond ever so pure
What is hidden from her
Is the dagger behind
That pierces her trust
And shatters her mind
Her family, her friend
Her trust so strong
How could he have hurt her?
How was she so wrong?
Yet through all the pain
Through all that still hurts
She smiles yet and looks up
The twinkle is gone
The laughter is empty
The charade moves on
She stays so as always
For bonds that bind
For friends, and near ones
And more of their kind
The dagger is theirs
Their idea of right
He thinks he has won
She knows he is right
Yet the smile remains
Fake, painful and bright
She knows she’ll go through it
She knows she'll move on
He might have betrayed her
He might have won
But she has her hero,
And he can never be that one

Disclaimer: This is NOT about a romantic tragedy.


  1. A firm believer in the bonds of true love that I am, I cannot begin to imagine how it feels when the heart bleeds for someone it used to trust (i hope no one feels the same).. Yet, it happens ..It's a strange world..

    With trust and "bonds ever so pure",
    With innocent dreams which two minds conjure,
    With daggers and smiles turning "fake, painful and bright",
    Yet, you'll get it one day,
    The trust that is true, the bond that is right !

    Whoever is the girl (fictitious i hope), may she be the way as the poem started - "Smiling and laughing,
    With stars in their eyes" and meets her hero, her guardian-angel :)

    P.S. - It is really well-written. But inspite of the disclaimer it actually does sound like a romantic tragedy. Dislike . Apologies !
