Monday, June 16, 2008

To Be Or Not To Be...

To Be Or Not To Be...

I have heard this line many a times. Forgive me for my ignorance; I can’t remember who wrote it. Shakespeare, maybe. He generally wrote such things. Anyways, the author or his intentions are irrelevant. When I think of this phrase, it reminds me of the mental dilemma I constantly face. To be ordinary or not. On face value, this is a silly question; I mean who wants to be ordinary, right? Wrong. Look around you, most people aspire to be ordinary, they not only dream of oblivion but also advertise it. The people who think out of the box are categorized as fools, losers or plain obnoxious.

People find herd mentality safe. Superficially it is. But only superficially. I mean it’s like not climbing the stairs for the fear of falling. Not learning to dance as you may be laughed at. Not tasting the dish your mom invented because you may not like it. This is safety? No. This is giving up. Resigning to conventions usually serves only one purpose, making your failures and non-achievements more palatable. What I find strange is that why can’t we be secure about success? Why can’t we feel our struggles to achieve to be safe and satisfying? Why is it that only copying is considered safe?

We are taught from kindergarten that each child is special, each is unique. When we finally accept this and set out on making a life of our own, then suddenly out of nowhere, the same people who said this to us come up and say that life isn’t easy. Everybody cannot be Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa. Fine, I buy that. But surely, I can be Priyanka Pandey. Why don’t you realize that? Why does it happen that the strife for protecting me ultimately results in suffocating me? Why am I taught to be unique yet expected to be ordinary?

I have noticed lately, that the need for independence is usually interpreted as rebellion. Weird. I want to learn from the difficulties of life, and I am kept away from them. They say its convenience. Its luxury. What if I don’t want it? A wheelchair may be a convenience for someone who is physically challenged, but for a person who is not it will remain a handicap.

I realize I have very strong opinions on this issue, they may even be biased. But still, these opinions I apply only to me. What I don’t understand is that why don’t others think the same. Why does it have to be, I did it this way, you do it too. How can opinions be right or wrong just by the age of the person holding them? Okay, I realize people elder to me are more experienced, but why should it stop me from learning on my own. Had they done things differently, would my life be different then? Why don’t people realize that the only absolute thing is the concept of relativity?

There are so many questions to be answered. Each time I ask them. I get the same reply. You are young. You don’t know. How? My six year old cousin, Pali, knows more about Pogo than I do. So? Do I tell her, no Pali, I am elder to you, I know Pink Panther series is only a movie. There is no such cartoon. Of course there is! I was just watching it with her before coming here to manufacture more torture for you!

So, I still continue to think, why am I being pushed into ordinariness, into being plain, into being one of the crowd. People say that it is so that I don’t get hurt. Well, if I comply with them, I know I won’t because I’ll become numb. No ambitions, no dreams, so definitely no scope of disappointment. Although it’s ok, I’ll bear some trouble, I have been given a life and I intend to live it. Not finish it by merely existing. Not waste it by just reaching some set destinations without experiencing the journey.

I am a very sincere learner. Very stubborn. Since I have been taught that I am unique. I intend to believe in it and fight for it.


  1. hmmmm.... quite strong...
    Um actually goin agaisnt it!!!!
    wats mare imp to u... ur opinion or ur respect for ur elder.... answer dis... if ur respect matters then have faith in their opinion or else.....
    also ur opinion is based on ur thinking which is very diff from theirs... mayb u r rite... but they may not b able to understand that.. so be patient...
    y cant u think in da same way as ur elder??? U wan them to b able to think like u, rite???
    I don agree wid ur funda bout freedom.... its just a diff of opinion with their opinion heavier which is natural coz of Experience...
    It may be frustating but its LIFE...
    But um not telling u to always do wat thay say... Always do wat u like keeping them in mind...

    Now don kill me for this... :)

  2. Go get it Girl! Realise your full what you think is best to make you stand out from the crowd and win laurels for yourself...I will back you and support you on it...

    just be sure to hear everyone out..since whether you want to heed the advice or not, it's still good to hear another viewpoint...will help you frame alternative plans...

  3. Thank You, for your comment and your time. As for your question, i don't see why there should be a conflict between me holding my opinions and respecting my elders. I do not want anyone to think like me. i just want to know why others want me to think like them or some XYZ. See that is the whole issue, i just want to be me, not what others want me to be. I see no reason why my individualism should hurt or disrespect anyone. I guess thats just about it. Thank you, and no i won't kill you. [:)]

  4. Thank You GD, thank u sooo much... hmmm will definitely do so..[:)]

  5. ur comment was more comprehensive than ur blog... [;)]

  6. Hmmm... no issues... as long as u were able to comprehend what i had in mind. :)

  7. at the risk of being so utterly repetitive all i have to say is that i fully realize what virtues or talents or vices (not many i can see though!!) u have ...and it's just a matter of time before you spread your wings to scale the heights of the sky and move out of the claustrophobic "oblivion" which you so desperately want to come out are and shall one day be the Priyanka Pandey which you so deserve to be...the journey may be tough maybe dark and suffocating but have faith in your potential...take your formative years as a metamorphosis and not a pile of chains that bereave you of your oxygen...u will come out of it as a very very strong being quite contrary to your view of getting dissapeared into oblivion...

    at the same time...the very people who taught you to be unique are the same people who want to protect you from any kind of harm...they are completely correct with their stand..what you need to make them realize is what you aspire and dream to have in life (i'm sure u know what i mean by that )...

    remember...come what may...they are the ones who make us what we are and they have every right to shape our can let them know what you feel and what you aspire to be and leave the rest to them...we cant see God in its any form in our God gives us those people to look upto...just let them know what you feel and TRUST them...

    and wait for your time...a new sky awaits you to unfurl your wings...
