Theme. I like this word a lot. It gives me a sense of security and I find it shocking. I always thought of myself as a much disorganized person with ineptitude towards routine. I find being systematic restrictive, so till recent the word theme signified rules or restrictions for me. But just yesterday I read this word, and it struck me that it connotes something quite different. There must always be a theme to something; it gives us a sort of direction, a purpose. I mean whatever we do; whatever we spend our time and energies on must have some purpose. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem.
If I have to go to office tomorrow why don’t I make a big deal out of it? It’s my life. It should be a big deal. Everything that I do should be of importance, of relevance. After all if I can’t make a difference to me, who can? Being a tramp looks very attractive at first. Leading life without expectations or hopes sounds very alluring. But then, is that enough? When we have been made capable of feeling emotions, why make our self devoid of that? Why lead life without a purpose, a goal, a theme?
Looking at things from this perspective I realize that anything we do would be so much more fruitful, so much more satisfying. A central theme developing into a beautiful creation because of our focus, our efforts and our dreams. It would be so much more rewarding than just to lead life as a vagrant. All of us complain that things are so bad around us, that nobody makes a difference. True. That’s because most of the things we do don’t even make a difference to us, let alone others. What if we start doing things because we dream to achieve them, then we could make a difference. Each moment of our lives would be worth noting and worth cherishing. Then a moment wouldn’t just pass but it would be lived instead.
So now, after some contemplation I find the idea of my life revolving around a theme all the more glamorous, all the more satisfying and all the more alive. All that I do would revolve around a purpose, every moment of achievement would be a matter of celebration. I have even decided what theme my life would centre on, it would be a search for a purpose and the means to achieve it. So that I could win every time I try and celebrate every moment I live. The theme would be to learn to endeavor and have the tenacity to succeed.
“Ultimately, your theme will find you. You don't have to go looking for it.”
-Richard Russo
I agree. Don’t you?