Moments, when little joys sneak in on
you and you are hesitant to cradle and love them; when they seem so innocent,
making you even more cautious, having lost them in the past. You don’t feel
whole enough anymore to hold them, not complete enough to cherish them. Yet it
is they that heal you, it is they that make you whole again. The little joys
coerce you to smile, to laugh and they bring the twinkle back, making you forget
how dry your eyes had become.
Maybe, they are stronger than you,
little as they may look in front of the gaping holes in your heart. Tiny needles
that sow back the threads to hold your life together again. So, maybe you
shouldn’t be afraid to let them in. Despite what you feel, they wouldn’t be
helpless against your despair, but probably give you the strength needed to
fight your demons. Instead of the splinters of your broken existence hurting
them, it is they who will pick up and join the pieces.
Let them in; a momentary smile often heals
a broken heart:
A reminder, that you could be happy
again, one day: part by part.