Thursday, July 31, 2014

Let Me Be

Let me be
I know, I remember
can't accept, yes I falter
but in denial  
it is peace
for some time
for some days
let me be
Then truth must be looked at
right in the eye
no faltering, no comfort
can no longer deny
but that time is afar
till then let me be
before I face my time
before I leave the lie
let peace be awhile
let me look for my smile.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Their Trash, Their Treasure

Trash for a world,
Treasure for another
I stand by the street
As a silent observer
Filled with the unwanted,
Tossed in with disgust
Rifled for the needed
A boon to the cursed
Tiny hands look in me
Eyes glitter with joy
Sometimes a morsel
Or a broken toy
A toy with a story
A book old and torn
Of past full of glory
Yet those tiny hands hold them
And make them their own
A trashcan you say
As you walk away
Yet I see two worlds
Every single day

Monday, May 12, 2014

Look up

Non-conformism and Hateful Scorn are different things. Going through my facebook feed I noticed a few statuses/pictures scorning Mothers Day posts. Got me wondering, what is acceptable to these uber cool, sarcastic judges sitting on their self appointed e-social high grounds?

These are commonly scorned upon:
  •        Selfies
  •        Baby Pictures
  •        Engagement/Wedding Pictures
  •        Vacation Pictures
  •        Food Made By Me Pictures
  •        Political Views
  •        Location Check-ins
  •        Game requests

Today, Mothers Day posts were mocked, saying: "show her some real love, not on facebook." Wonder why these people think that if I put up a status for my mom, it is exhaustive for the amount of love I have for her and not exclusive of it.

What is the kind of content that they would approve of? It is interesting to think about what they really would talk about on their social networking profiles if not about what others have posted. Facebook/Twitter/Blogger and the likes have created this group of hateful people that mistake needless scorn for sarcasm.

It is a little sad to think that the first thought that comes to their head seeing a Mother’s Day post is that it is insincere. If you are busy looking down upon everything, you miss all the good stuff. Look up, be happy.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Stop and look...

Walking down a lonely road
I stop to look and think
My daily chores, the incessant monotone
Flashes by, and time goes in a blink
Each day of the week seems the same
A day to finish, and reach the next
Yet when we do, it starts again
And we trudge on, with tomorrow’s pretext
To life we add each day anew
Yet at the close, it seems to me
A day less, a day lost
To dreams that could be
A daily wait to leave my desk
A weekly wait for a weekend rest
The same cycle goes on and on
And then we see that months are gone
So stop awhile and look around
Look for dreams waiting to be found
For things that make your day worthwhile
For memories that would make you smile
Each day would add and multiply
To the wealth of life
And not pass you by

Sunday, January 5, 2014

What we need

How did one figure out how to use soap.. or make it ? What to eat what not to eat? How to grow a crop? How to find electricity… ? Then you suddenly think about how we don’t have such revolutionary discoveries or inventions today, or at least none that we know of or appreciate. Brings me to think, is each generation dumbing down? Where are the Aryabhattas, the Newtons, the Shakespeares, the Da Vincis of today? (Please don’t judge the list, it’s random, and I’m too lazy to research and make a more comprehensive one..) So, on putting some thought and weighing against evolution, dominance of the stronger genes, that conclusion wouldn't be so true. Come of think of it, we’re really innovating in fields of technology, phones and video games to say the least. Then why don’t they impress us as much as inventing the telephone? Or making the first soap bar?

I think it is because, those innovations were need-driven. They solved a problem, as compared to ones now which are more luxury-driven. We already have a comfortable set of inventions, tools and sufficient knowledge. We know about gravity, we have electricity, we can do basic math and can easily communicate. Hence, the innovation today mostly seems an improvement.

Maybe to really create something revolutionary, one should start looking at questions that need to be answered, problems that need to be solved. From what I understand Need seems to be a bigger motivator than Luxury. Maybe when a seriously gifted and curious individual spends time in improvising an already good gadget or thinks he can be the next  Zuckerberg by some really cool idea, that genius is looking in the wrong direction.

There are many needs we still have to fulfill, they may seem altruistic, but they are problems that need to be solved. Maybe innovators probably need to look for a different motivation. Maybe a unique contribution.. to health, to education, to alternative energy models, to sustainable honest political models, to viable economic opportunities for all… Altruism might not equate to profit on face-value, but a need-driven innovation would probably be revolutionary, profit would then just be one of the perks. 

Think of it, I would always buy something that I need before something that I want.