They ask,
“How can you be happy about something knowing that it is not
yours to keep?
You know things will not last, you know things will end. Why
would you want to experience that? Eventually you would miss it, you might
regret it. What good will it do to you to attach yourself to something knowing
it will be taken away from you? Why choose to feel its absence by accepting its
presence? Why not avoid momentary happiness and ensure safety from eventual
misery? Don’t say you won’t be sad, you might. Why take that chance?”
I ask,
“Should I not enjoy weekends because Monday would eventually
come? Should I not take a holiday in some beautiful place because it cannot be
my home? Should I not eat that chocolate knowing it will cease to exist the
moment I do so? What good would it do to me if I avoid knowing every moment
of happiness, goodness that life has to offer me knowing it might not be
With the definite knowledge of Death, do I embrace life or
avoid it?
I know it will end. So, should I not live? Should I simply
exist till I do not? Should I not enjoy the momentary happiness that life
provides me before my life and I go our separate ways, wherever that would be?
Neither the good things last nor the bad ones. We usually,
voluntarily do not choose the bad, and mostly we need to put efforts to choose
the good, shouldn’t we make full use of every chance that we get to experience
it all? Shouldn’t we go that extra mile to make every instant of whatever we
have worthwhile? Nothing lasts forever, but then, what would be the point if
none of it was worth lasting?
Given a choice, I would prefer asking ‘Why not?’
instead of ‘What if?’ ”