Monday, October 8, 2012

Slimy, Stupid vs Unsuspecting Idiot

Lion: “Roaaarrrrrr” ( read as: I will eat you ) ( he won’t actually warn you, but just taking creative liberty to make a point )
Idiot: No, don’t eat me. I am a vegetarian.

If you think that just because you are nice to people, they’ll be nice to you, Congrats! You and the idiot have something in common, you could even try going out on a date or becoming BFFs or something. Anyhow, point is, most people are only nice to you because it is conventional and because it suits them at that point of time.

Some people are outright rude, and trust me they are the better kind to be associated with. The most dangerous ones are those stupid, slimy (don’t exactly know why, but this word seems perfect) ones, who’ll be all grinning and smiling, but will actually take the pettiest route to hurt/annoy you.  They are stupid enough to assume that you are stupid enough to not doubt their intentions and are stupid enough to not understand your sarcasm, and render it futile.

When I encounter such stupidity, my first natural instinct is to defend myself by sarcasm, as expected it is ineffective, because sarcasm requires intelligence, these slimy kind unfortunately or fortunately, lack that. The next is to ignore them and try to keep away, as much as possible. But. There is a very important step in between. Make sure you make the person, stupid-slimy-kind, know that you are not as stupid as them and are aware of their slime.  Preferably with an audience, if they were involved at some stage in all this slime and stupidity. This is a very important step because:
  1.      It ensures that the stupid-slimy-kind get a hint, (finally!) that they are not as smart as they think they are. (Surprise! Surprise!)
  2.       The unsuspecting audience is warned, unless they too are too stupid or in most cases, under some magical spell of the stupid-slimy-kind.
  3.       You make your point: “Don’t make me angry, you won’t like me when I’m angry.” The stupid-slimy-kind usually lack guts and back off, read as: they sulk, cry foul to everyone whose ears function and go around annoying other unsuspecting, idiotic souls.
  4.       Some more of the stupid-slimy-kind are warned against messing with you.
  5.       You feel slightly better off that you didn't just take crap quietly.

I have a very simple logic; I usually like people, till they give me a reason not to. Beyond that, they are just ignored, and their existence and the crap that comes with it make no difference to me. Maybe, it is a cynical way to react, but in the past few years I have learnt that this works just fine. Because unfortunately, I still am idiotic enough to expect that if I am nice to people, they’ll be nice to me.