Silence, it could be the loud, inescapable, yet inaudible shriek of strain, of tension and of despair. Or it could be the calm, that you feel inside, that you feel when you are so inexplicably happy that, any noise, any sound seems inadequate to express your excitement. The first is a consequence of the shrieks, the screams, the pain , the stress that doesn't let anything else through. The second an instrument that makes every sound seem like music. Be it the happy chatter of people around you, the incessant traffic in a city bustling with life, or the giggle of a baby.
Silence. The second kind, The happy kind. The kind that lets you think
clearly. Think about all that happened, why it did, why it shouldn't have or
why it was so right. Think about what you could have done differently and what
you did right. Think about when and what you want to do next. Think about
nothing at all. The kind that lets you feel clearly. Feel calm and excited. Feel
satisfied and hungry. After a long, long time, such a silence has enveloped me.
And finally, I feel so light.
There has been so much that has changed, I still haven’t
gotten a grip on it. But, the biggest change of all is that I look forward to
waking up, have tonnes of stories to tell at the end of the day and fall asleep
as soon as I hit my bed. I’ve been so busy with all these changes that I haven’t
gotten a chance to write about anything in a long, long time. I could probably
write about every moment since this calm has settled in, yet right now, I
really can’t. I am too busy taking it all in. Too busy making up for all that I
missed when I couldn't hear or feel anything other than all the noise in my
Now, I feel happy. Finally. Right now, I just want to enjoy
this. This being able to take in all the sounds and sights around me. The slate wiped clean, and free to be filled as and how I want to. In some time, when it all sinks in, maybe I would think about what next.
Maybe then, I could write about all that is going on now. Maybe then. But now,
I like this silence. I can read in peace, finally.
Later then!