Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Note To Self

I will not think about it* anymore, if it upsets/depresses/angers/bothers/ (any negative emotion)s me in anyway.

*ItAnything that cannot be changed and upsets me for whatever reasons.

P.S. I: So you and I can expect less number of oh-why-did-this-happen and oh-were-it-different et al kinds of blog posts. Well, that’s a happy thought.

P.S. II: One of my favourite pictures, always brings a smile. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

And So It Is

Now, it isn’t as if I can’t
It is more like,
Why the hell should I?

It wouldn’t have been this wonderful,
Had it been this simple.
It wouldn’t have been this difficult,
If it weren’t so unforgettable.

Regret, forget and deny?
Doesn't work for me,
Truth is: I don’t want to try.

Remember if you will,
Forget if you must.
Whichever way it is,
You do your own
While I do mine.